A Comparison Between Roman Society and Medieval Society

Date Submitted: 08/31/2002 00:17:47
Category: / History
Length: 2 pages (416 words)
History Essay: A Comparison Between Roman Society and Medieval Society There are many distinct differences between Medieval society as illustrated by Achen in 800 AD and Roman society as illustrated by Pompeii in 79 AD, with some similarities. There are many aspects to examine, such as education, religion, tolerance, social classes, materialism, view of time, infra-structure, trade and cities. The first difference to look at is cities and that they were structured differently. In Pompeii, there was …
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…transportation on roads. For Achen, there was no trade at all. They were most concerned with providing enough food for themselves. This makes another difference between the two places. Pompeii was a busy, fairly-sized city. Achen was merely a village, hardly busy in the least. There are many more things to compare between Achen and Pompeii. But from what is represented in my essay, it is clear how far from similar Achen and Pompeii are.
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