Business Report outlining internal & external factors contributing to a business

Date Submitted: 09/10/2006 05:17:03
Category: / Business & Economy / Agriculture
Length: 2 pages (576 words)
Alan Budday bought Botany Cans one year ago on the bases that it was a successful business. However in the past year there have been some major influences affecting the business. This report is going to outline internal and external problems that face Botany Cans. The changes management can take to counteract these problems. How management will effectively implement these into the business. Internal problems Decrease in cash flow due to the decrease in sales …
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…instead of a hierarchical type where a senior manager will look at his staff and choose a person who is popular, approachable and a hard worker to be a 'change agent' this person will assume responsibility for the smooth transition in the change process. Employees will be encouraged to give feedback on the new changes and then let the change agent know them this will make employees feel like they are contributing to the company.
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