Conclusions drawn from My Experiment on the effect of Enzyme concentration on the time taken for a reaction to occur

Date Submitted: 07/17/2004 12:55:29
Category: / Science & Technology / Biology
Length: 2 pages (683 words)
Conclusions drawn from My Experiment on the effect of Enzyme concentration on the time taken for a reaction to occur Interpretation My graph shows a curved shape showing negative correlation. The results that I achieved were different to that of the classes. My results were on average higher than the class average results. For example at 1% concentration of urease solution our result was 1782 seconds for the reaction to occur while the class average result was 952 …
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…would do it myself and this would make my results better as I would be able to see what colour change that I am stopping it on and I would be measuring out the amount of solutions myself so would be happy that there would be no mistakes made I also would have repeated the experiment about ten times to make sure that the results will be accurate and reliable than those that were obtained
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