Paternalism in the USA and Johhn Stuart Mills.

Date Submitted: 10/30/2001 14:29:39
Category: / Social Sciences / Political Science
Length: 11 pages (3033 words)
The idea of paternalism is based on the fact that not all people are rational all the time and sometimes states intervene into the lives of others for their own good. These paternalists advance people's interests such as life, health, and safety at the expense of their liberty. John Stuart Mills was a Utilitarian Philosopher and political writer that has been extremely influential to our society today. He is against most paternalistic action and is …
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…classes: those who can be trusted with power to run other peoples live, and those who cannot even be trusted to run their own lives." This is a great way to sum up how John Stuart Mill would feel about our current paternalistic situation in America. He would condemn many laws and support many, but he would generally be angered by what he would perceive as ignorance by the government and people of the USA.
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