Self Exploration 1: If I died Tomorrow...

Date Submitted: 09/10/2006 04:30:54
Category: / Society & Culture / Art and Culture
Length: 1 pages (268 words)
Learning Log Entry #1 About three months ago I asked my boyfriend, Seth, if he is satisfied enough with his life that he would be okay with dying the next day. He said that he would not be. He feels that he has not even started to live. His entire life is composed of work. Even on his summer break, he took a job working for Google, a job working for a professor and even started …
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…them all to become a reality. What would be the point of living? What would drive us to wake up in the morning? It is important to live your life as though you will die the next day. I guess in the end, it is important to want more than what you have, but also be happy with the way you are living your life. Dying with regret would be the worst punishment of all.
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