Supreme Court Cases - Marbury vs Madison

Date Submitted: 09/10/2006 04:30:12
Category: / Society & Culture / Art and Culture
Length: 2 pages (640 words)
The Federalist Party had been defeated in the election of 1800. John Adams, a federalist decided to appoint several Federalist supporters as justices of the peace in the District of Columbia. These were sometimes known as the "Midnight Judges". The previous Secretary of State, John Marshall was told to deliver the commissions but he had left out 17 commissions before Thomas Jefferson, the newly elected president, was inaugurated. Once Jefferson became president, he told the current Secretary …
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…Adams to appoint supporters of his own belief so that they would carry out the law Adams saw fit even if he wasn't a president. These "Midnight Judges" should not have been appointed because it was very hastily prepared by Adams. He only had the best of his interests in mind. The establishment of the judicial review was a huge success. It gave the Supreme Court the right to rule if an issue is unconstitutional.
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